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  1. Hi does anyone know how to reduce the padding between the blog post entries and the "Read More" pagination on blogs the blog overview page. The blog is currently set to "Alternating Side By Side Blog". Thank you in advance!
  2. @Lesum Thanks for the response! I know we can enable the date, but they also need the time of publication to display as well. Is there a way to do that?
  3. Hello! I am working on a project for a client who needs the publication times of blog posts to be displayed. Is there a way to display the time of publication with code when using a summary block? Thanks!
  4. @tuanphan Yes, I did figure it out-- thank you!
  5. Hi @tuanphan is there a way to accomplish this? I would like to add a gradient over the section background image from left to right (black 60% opacty to transparent) on the 3rd section title "22,400 people served each month in our community." https://fbcenla.squarespace.com/ password: design Thanks for your help!
  6. @creedonWOW!! That was so easy, thank you so much!
  7. Hi @creedon, I mentioned the URL above but here is it again just in case, thanks! Here is the page https://odysseysafaris.squarespace.com/counter password: design
  8. Hello is there a way to add a "+" symbol after the number like in this screenshot example? Here is the page https://odysseysafaris.squarespace.com/counter password: design Thank you so much for any assistance.
  9. Hello! I am having a similar issue and tried using some examples above without luck. If someone could help me with this I would really appreciate it. Instead of my footer stacked, i would like the logo to be at the top, with the text blocks stacked side-by-side below. Here is my url: https://printerettepress.squarespace.com/ Password: design Thank you for any help! Also if the social block could be magically moved beside the 'help' block that would be even better!!
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