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Posts posted by court74

  1. On 10/11/2020 at 12:47 AM, paul2009 said:

    you can start with base template here:


    Re base template--I want to just double verify that this base template is 7.0, not 7.1? UPDATE: it appears to be 7.1, but does it have some unique develop mode-esque features re being able to see all the templates? This would be helpful to understand re below use case. 

    Also, in what circumstances would you want to start with the base template (7.1?) vs with Brine, for those who probably need developer mode / 7.0?

    Use case: I'm hoping to add about 1000 lines of someone elses custom CSS into Squarespace (and somehow massaged to work with Squarespace, if possible--is this what developer mode is for?) in order to implement a workflow that lets me type offline in Markdown, and pre-convert (with a Pandoc filter) to HTML that will then, when pasted into Squarespace, display sidenotes in margin. Mentioning this in case it affects your answer to the 'base theme vs Brine' question in my case.

    (Here's the CSS theme that will render sidenotes in my converted HTML. The developer who wrote it worked on Dropbox paper, so I think it's probably well-crafted? https://github.com/jez/pandoc-markdown-css-theme/blob/master/public/css/theme.css Example styling demo, here: https://jez.io/pandoc-markdown-css-theme/#usage

    If I can add this system of formatting to Squarespace, at least when desired (definitely in blog) I'll be very happy, but not really clear on if and how it can be done, at this stage. I have a front-end guy helping me, but this is a very specific, kinda odd project, I think?

  2. I want to write most of my site in an offline Markdown editor, use Pandoc to convert it to HTML, and then add enough custom CSS to be able to style sidenotes and better epigraph-like blockquotes in, at least, the blog, but maybe everywhere.

    I have the special HTML creation part working, but it needs the custom CSS to display properly. The custom CSS is not designed for Squarespace—more for Hugo, I think.

    The (1000-line) css theme is here: https://github.com/jez/pandoc-markdown-css-theme/blob/master/public/css/theme.css

    The SS Sitewide Custom CSS editor seems to detects a lot of errors/problems which is unsurprising.

    I might be willing to debug the whole thing, but… it’s like working blindfolded if I don’t really understand what classes already exist in SS and can and can’t be adjusted. Maybe it’s all there in browser inspectors (is it?), but… is there a best-practice way to approach this kind of challenge in Squarespace with more efficiency / clarity? 

    I’m a beginner, but have a front-end person on this, but… this is different from what they normally do, so still looking for good advice at this stage.

    p.s. I’m willing to undergo a lot of struggle to get sidenotes* happening, but it would be great to find out sooner if this route is impossible  

    (*sidenotes are like footnotes, but they live adjacent to referencing text for easier examination of sources. Kinda tricky to do manually, but someone already coded an efficient way to do this—just not for Squarespace).

    Thanks for any guidance you can provide.

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