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Everything posted by sandracheesman

  1. @paul2009 thank you that worked and everything else seems to be working OK too. Thank you! This is hopefully a temporary situation as they have a another new site design underway 🙂
  2. Hi All, I have recently had to use quite a lot of code to make a video full screen as a homepage helped by the amazing @tuanphan but I have a situation where the pop-up won't close when you click the 'X' - it works fine on mobile but not PC. Can anyone help? The site is built using Pacific 7.0. https://www.chenebleu.com/ Thank you so much!
  3. @tuanphan on the https://www.chenebleu.com/ website I have just realised we cannot close the pop up - the 'x' function does not work. It is fine on mobile. Thank you!
  4. @tuanphan thank you! Amazing as ever ☺️
  5. @tuanphan Hiya, just wondering if you can advise on the above? Thank you!
  6. @tuanphan yes that is correct, this will be the new home page but we need to allow the hamburger menu to still show, the logo to still show, and to be able to click the 'x' to close down the pop-up that appears on the home page. It should look just like https://www.booking.laverriere.com/ Thank you, your help is appreciated
  7. @tuanphan Hi again! As above we would now like to do the same for the https://www.chenebleu.com/ site. I have set up a new page with the video on which is https://www.chenebleu.com/home-2 and tried to utilise the CSS you gave me to use on the site above but it does not seem to work. The first problem is the video is not full page, there is still a grey banner across the top and also when the 'shop pop-up appears when viewers first see the site, the 'X' to close it does not work. This is the code I have used taken from the La Verriere site: //mobile view home page video full screen// @media screen and (max-width:1500px) { body#collection-66850fda597a333fea48367b { div#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1720002119170_1451 video {height: 100vh;object-fit: cover !important;} .sqs-native-video .native-video-player {padding: unset !important;} .plyr__video-wrapper { overflow: visible !important; } .video-player .plyr { position: static !important; } .video-player .plyr__video-wrapper { z-index: 9999 !important; }}} //header to appear on video page// header#header { z-index: 99999999 !important; } //show menu on video home page// div#overlayNav { z-index: 9999999 !important; } /* Fullwidth video homepage */ body#collection-66850fda597a333fea48367b { .banner-thumbnail-wrapper { display: none !important; } & {overflow: hidden;} main#page { padding: 0px !important; max-width: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; } .html-block { display: none; } .video-block { padding: 0px !important; } footer#footer, #preFooter { display: none !important; } } Can you advise how I amend this to work as https://www.booking.laverriere.com/ now does (although there is a slight lag before it begins - is there a way to correct this? Many thanks. Sandra
  8. @tuanphan amazing thank you, we are now up and running! @creedon thank you, but unfortunately, this site is on a Brine template and not 7.1
  9. @tuanphan thank you the headers now appear but when you click the hamburger menu it does not open and the logo disappears
  10. @tuanphan Hi, thank you I do get a full page at 1500px but the hamburger menu and logo disappear - I have tried all different lower sizes but then the white bar comes back?
  11. @tuanphan this has worked for the mobile view thank you but not for a tablet or PC/laptop - there is still a big white bar at the bottom?
  12. @tuanphan thank you we are getting there, but now I seem to have a huge white gap at the bottom of the page? On mobile view it is huge!
  13. @tuanphan thank you so much, but unfortunately, the banner is still showing? https://www.booking.laverriere.com/new-page-1 Also is there code to let the video autoplay - this is going to be the home page of the site.
  14. @tuanphan the same link as the subject of this message. Thank you. On my site https://www.booking.laverriere.com/ I have a new video on the page https://www.booking.laverriere.com/new-page-1 that I eventually would like as my home page and the video as a full page background. The template is Brine 7.0.
  15. @tuanphanI have sorted the footer code, it was a slight typo - thank you, but the banner is still showing.
  16. @tuanphan Hi, yes that is exactly what I would like for a home page (full bleed video) on autoplay. I have input the code above into the New Page 1 Page Header Code Injection, but I still see the header and footer? many thanks, Sandra
  17. Hi @tuanphan On my site https://www.booking.laverriere.com/ I have a new video on the page https://www.booking.laverriere.com/new-page-1 that I eventually would like as my home page and the video as a full page background. The template is Brine 7.0. Any code I use to try to hide the footer and header does not seem to work. Any ideas on how I can make the video a full page background instead of the slideshow that is currently there and retain the hamburger menu and logo? Many thanks, Sandra
  18. @CarolStatella Hi Carol, thank you so much that worked - I just need to find a way to make it a fuller screen now - which is in the edit of the video I am guessing! Much appreciated.
  19. Hi, I need to be able to have a full-page video playing as the customer lands on the site instead of the photo slideshow currently there. I have a YouTube link but can't seem to find a way to achieve this. Any ideas? Thank you! Many thanks Sandra
  20. @tuanphan https://begonia-rabbit-4ykb.squarespace.com/ p/w: Sandra12 Thank you.
  21. Hi @lookkook how did you do it, as I have the same issue? Thank you.
  22. I have had to take a photo with my camera as it does not show up with a screen grab. You can see the black border code box line on the Managed Services page under the video.
  23. This is strange, as I can see them logged into SQS, plus a direct link to the site on Chrome and on Edge but when I screengrab a shot they do not appear ??
  24. Hi all, I am having issues with some thin black lines suddenly appearing on my site where I have used a markdown box to input a video using this code: <video playsinline loop muted autoplay width="100%"> <source src="/s/database-management.mp4" type="video/mp4" media="all and (max-width: 640px)"> <source src="/s/database-management.mp4" type="video/webm" media="all and (max-width: 640px)"> <source src="/s/database-management" type="video/mp4"> <source src="/s/database-management" type="video/webm"> </video> An example page is: https://www.ncs-london.com/data-services-home/#emergencydatabasesupport, you will see the first section 'Emergency Database Support' shows the line. Another example page is: https://www.ncs-london.com/managed-services-home/#databaseadministration, again the first section 'Database Adminstration' This is a new occurrence. Many thanks as always! (p.s. for some reason when I take a screenshot the black line is not on the image?)
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