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  1. @Ziggy you're a legend with that forward slash shortcut! I swear I looked everywhere for this but with the menus changed around it was MIA! Disabled with one beautiful click! THANK YOU!!!!
  2. Hi- I'm trying to remove the information menu bar (which shows email, call, business hours and location) in mobile and having some issues. I don't seem to see a way to disable it using any options in Squarespace and I can't find any CSS that is responsive to this. I'm on the personal plan, using Wells Template version 7.0 Thanks!
  3. I just added a title and a description to the first stop motion in the beverage section : https://www.rebeccapeloquin.com/beverage to illustrate. If there is a way to ideally hide the title and description that would be amazing! Thank you!
  4. I currently have them all removed bc they appear and I couldn't figure out how to hide them. I can add one if you want to see/test?
  5. This totally worked! Thank you so much! Also is there a way to hide image titles and description? I'd like to use the fields for SEO (right now have them blank) but they show up on mobile 😳
  6. No I mean make the gallery pages view as 2 columns on mobile- right now they stack as only one and I haven't been able to find code that modifies the gallery page view- only if you had a gallery block. I'm on Wells template in 7.0
  7. Site URL: https://www.rebeccapeloquin.com/contact Hi there- I've tried various CSS codes but I can't seem to get my Wells template gallery pages to show as columns on mobile vs stacking. I'd like 2 or 3 columns but I can't get it to work for gallery pages only blocks. Any ideas?
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