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Everything posted by kika.tuff

  1. I know this post is old, but I found a good workaround for me - just to disable the click on the image, but leave the click on the title: #collection-6332807689280679fc92dd36 .BlogList-item-image-link { pointer-events: none; } *** Collection id will be unique to your blog page!
  2. Hey @LukasEriksen! I figured out how to turn off the confetti effect after a certain amount of time. I set mine to turn off after 3 seconds - use the SetTimeOut function, with the command confetti.stop <script src="https://www.wpromotions.eu/confetti.min.js"></script> <script>confetti.start()</script> <script>setTimeout(function(){confetti.stop();},3000)</script>
  3. Great! Can you attach your code? I am running into the exact same problem, and can't figure out how to change overflow from hidden to visible!
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