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Everything posted by danlnyc

  1. That did it! Sometimes the answer just slaps me in the face. Thank you!
  2. I did. I also tried re-arranging the videos and each time, no matter which video it was, the last one wouldn’t appear on mobile or tablet. It’s so wacky! I have emailed support and will post an update (if) I hear back with a solution. Thank you again, so much!
  3. Thank you! All of the videos are hosted on Vimeo. I appreciate you taking the time to look at this for me and passing along the support info.
  4. Thank you -- www.danllinehan.com on the videos page -- again, only happening in Mobile view.
  5. Hello. Yes, I'm still on Avenue. I will eventually switch over to 7.1, but this is still doing a great job for me so I'm not gonna put it down until I absolutely need to. I am looking to do something and what I have found (in a few places) doesn't quite do the trick... I want my footer to span the entire width of the page, the way the header does. (the orange line will help illustrate that) I found this code (below), but making #canvas max width causes the entire site to, and that's not what I want. I really want to keep the width of the site as is, just making the footer full-width. Another thing I would like to do is remove alllll of this extra space at the end of the page... I can't figure out where it's coming from, but there's a lot at the bottom of the footer when viewing on desktop (mobile seems to be fine for some reason)! Ideally I would like to remove the bottom 80 pixels of the page/footer on desktop. Any help on this would be soooooo greatly appreciated. Thank you! ( note - there is some weird stuff on this website - please don't visit if you're offended by drag and LGBTQ art ) www.danllinehan.com /* Footer Full Width */ #canvas { max-width: 100%; position: relative; } #footer { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; padding: 60px; }
  6. I have a gallery block, pulling from an existing gallery, on the page "VIDEOS" Everything works great on desktop, but on tablet and mobile, there is an issue. The videos open in lightbox, and for some reason the last video (called "Pagan Poetry") does not open on mobile and tablet. I can see the previous video to the left, but this last one just doesn't open. Again -- Just fine on desktop. I SHOULD TRIGGER WARNING YOU -- These videos are of drag performances, so if you're offended by adult/drag content -- some of it involving horror -- then please do not visit. Otherwise thank you for any insight on this.
  7. Two things I'm looking for with styling the calendar block: 1) Is it possible to display only the start time on the flyout? I've been able to remove the end time from the calendar list, but on the flyout I can only seem to find a way to remove all times completely. I would like to keep the start time listed. 2) Is it possible to replace the flyout with a simple hover that only covers the cell of that date and not the dates next to it? Currently, for example, if I have dates August 17, 18, 19, 20 -- hovering over 17 causes the flyout to cover 18 and 19. I would like it so that the flyout is only the size of one cell and only covers the cell on the date which you are hovering. The website is currently not published, so I am unable to share a link just yet. I'm attaching a mockup below:
  8. I'm also having trouble. I am trying to get the logo centered, while keeping the hamburger on the right. Nothing I try seems to work...
  9. Is it possible to display more than 30 past events? I need to display all past events. Thank you!
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