Any other tips you would suggest? This moved my name in the middle but I would like to move my page link 'ABOUT' on the right side of the page. This is how the top looks like right now - see file attahed.Thanks so much for your help so far!
This moved my name in the middle but I would like to move my page link 'ABOUT' on the right side of the page. This is how the top looks like right now - see file attahed.
Thanks so much for your help so far!
The attached site in the original message is mine, no password needed. once again its I am looking to keep the footer fixed at the bottom
Thanks again!
I currently need help editing my header so it looks similar to the image posted below.
I am looking to move the title "waqas" in the middle and the page links "Work" and "About" on each side respectively.
ATTACHED is a mock-up i'm looking to achieve