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  1. Thank you! 😄 Ok got that! That works for the whole Site then, right? Meanwhile I found this piece of code to set the Navigation to the right font: .header-nav *, nav.header-menu-nav-list * { font-family: 'Klavika'; }
  2. Site URL: https://lizard-celery-sz6r.squarespace.com Hey Guys, how can I change all the fonts on my site. Even the navigation or all the paragraph styles?! I don't know how the syntax/tag is for everything else than the headlines and the standard paragraph. H1, H2, etc. and p I already changed. But what are the codes for the other styles...? Is there a list somewhere? Thats the code I use atm and it works quite well...for the described font styles: @font-face { font-family: 'Klavika'; src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/618a5f10647e59773828b0ca/t/618a857e4dbdf67f7c0b6b92/1636468095601/klavika-bold.otfhttps://static1.squarespace.com/static/618a5f10647e59773828b0ca/t/618a86047bae101273fafe4c/1636468231082/klavika-medium.otf'); font-weight: Medium; font-style: Normal; } h1 { font-family: 'Klavika'; } h2 { font-family: 'Klavika'; } p { font-family: 'Klavika'; } Thanks in advance and best regards Marc P.S.: Password for the Site is fontlove
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