@HortonGroup – It seems like SS has changed the way color overlays work in the Brine template family compared to previous templates. This may have something to do with how they're achieving the parallax effect now and also in a way that protects large background images from being accessible (and stolen!) by a site visitor. When you set an overlay color in the Style Editor, it seems to take the transparency and apply it directly to the image (which is hidden from the HTML code) rather than using the rgba declaration on a separate div's background-color. To override this behavior and accomplish what you mentioned above about targeting one specific section and canceling out the overlay, I simply set the overlay color to 0% opacity in the Style Editor which effectively nullifies that style setting. Then in my Custom CSS, I added this bit of code to rewrite the global color overlay for all background/banner images:
.tweak-overlay-parallax-enabled .Index-page--has-image, .tweak-overlay-parallax-enabled .Intro--has-image {
background-color: rgba(15,40,45,.7);
Then, I was able to target the section I wanted to remove the overlay from via its section ID name:
#mission {
... where "mission" was my section/page title and my rgba settings cancel out any color from overlaying the banner image for that section/page.
Hope that helps. I would love to know where SS put the background images and if they can still be accessible through the code.